Thursday, September 26, 2013

Art 1 Shoes

Art 1 students are also using contour - they are drawing their shoes! Check out the beautiful results. Students drew shoes as part of their first day sketchbook assignment - they were all really surprised by how much their drawing has improved in 4 weeks!

Advanced Art Self-Portraits

The Advanced Art students are creating self-portraits! But, not the kind of self-portrait they are used to creating! Using modified contour (a skill they learned in Art 1), they are drawing themselves with a marker taped to the end of a yardstick! This was quite frustrating for this group of perfectionists, but the results are wonderful!

Students will go on to collage tissue paper over the portraits and write information about themselves on them - more pictures coming soon!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Well, the new school year is underway, and we are off to a great start!

The art 1 students have created paper boxes decorated in the style of Japanese Notan designs and are now beginning contour drawing. A contour line defines the edges and details of an object. Today, students learned that they already know how to draw - they have to learn how to see! Ask them about it!

Advanced Art students have tiles waiting for the kiln. The tiles will be hung on the wall of the art department - they will be a permanent part of this space! They have begun creating the digital portfolio which will show off their amazing work and prove that they are ready for Design 2 next year. They are also working with contour - hands right now, and some very personal self-portraits next week! Check back for pictures!

Also, the Advanced Art students will be heading to ArtPrize on October 2nd. Make sure permission slips are in by October 1st! We will see the top 10 and possibly my entry (assuming it doesn't make top 10;).