Friday, May 8, 2015

Plein Air Painting

We took advantage of long classes due to the seventh graders taking the MSTEP, and the Advanced Art 2 students plus the 8th graders in second hour Art 1 were able to spend a nice chunk of Wednesday afternoon painting outside. The weather was beautiful, and the students did a great job on their watercolors!

The Advanced Art students will be using their paintings as a springboard for a landscape series project that we discussed in class yesterday. Stay tuned for pictures of this project.

In the meantime, here are some pictures of the artists at work!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Chihuly Inspired Sea Life

The Art 2 students have turned the front lobby showcase into an aquarium! Come and check out their wire and tissue paper sea life sculptures! We studied the blown glass work of Dale Chihuly and his use of color and watched a movie about sea life before beginning our sculptures.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Art 1 Sgraffito Bowls

The first Art 1 clay project is complete! The sgraffito bowls are out of the kiln, and they look great! Students used the ancient technique of sgraffito (removing a top layer to reveal a lower layer) to tell a story from their life. We shared the stories in class; some were happy, some were sad, and many were funny!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Come and see the Self-Portrait Busts!

They are finished! We are so excited to show off the hard work that the Advanced Art students put into their self-portrait busts - they are almost as beautiful as the students who created them! Students spent an intense three weeks completing these, and we really hope that you will come and check them out in the athletic foyer. Here are some pictures, but they are better in person!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Arts Night 2015

Last night was our 9th annual Arts Night at North! What a great night! Thanks to everyone who came out to support our talented students - over 1,000 people attended! The band, choir, and orchestra performed. The Fine Arts Magnet performed a portion of their movie. The All About Foods class had a cupcake war, and the Life Skills classes served cookies, punch, and coffee. There were displays by the Sewing classes, Tech classes, Wood Shop classes, Digital Communications classes, and, of course, the Art classes! Here are some pictures of the art displays.

Clay Food

The Art 2 students created watercolor paintings and clay sculptures of food. We displayed them together for Arts Night last night! They did a great job!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Art 2 Hands

The Art 2 students are working on cool layered hand drawings using vellum and different types of shading. They are coming along really well! Check them out!

Advanced Art Wearable Objects

The Advanced Art students were challenged to create something wearable out of something they would have thrown away. They had to wear them at school all day today! Here are some of the fun things they came up with!

Finished Art 1 still life collage

Here are some pictures of completed still life collages in Art 1! This was a new project this year, and the projects look great!