Friday, March 14, 2014

Arts Night 2014

Another Arts Night is in the books. Thanks to everyone who came out! It was a great night celebrating the talents of our students. The silent auction raised $250 for our Art Department Field Trip fund, and our art show was really busy! It's so fun to see the students showing off their other talents in band, choir, video production, cooking, and tech classes as well!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Self Portrait Busts

Advanced Art students are creating self-portrait busts out of clay. This ambitious project requires students to study their faces from all angles and sculpt it in clay. Students are just starting these sculptures, but they are already looking great!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Clay Food!

Art 2 students created watercolor paintings and clay sculptures of some of their favorite foods. They will be on display for Arts Night (Thursday 6-8:30). Yum!



Art 1 Wire Sculptures

Art 1 students created sculptures using an arm's length of wire. The sculptures had to be one continuous wire and represent something meaningful to the artist. Once completed, students painted their sculptures and decided how to display them. Finally, students wrote artist statements about the object they created and how they made it. They are on display in the athletic foyer for Arts Night (this Thursday from 6-8:30) - come check them out!

