Friday, November 14, 2014

NorthPrize Piece finds new home!

Thanks to Caitlyn, Marleigh, and Haley for letting their NorthPrize piece become part of the art room!

I had the same quote in this location a few years ago, but it disappeared one summer. Now, I'm glad it disappeared because this one looks even better!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Advanced Art Clay

The Advanced Art students are creating Japanese style lanterns that reveal their inner and outer self. They are constructing these using the soft slab technique. Students are also working on the potter's wheel! Check back for more pictures!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Art 1 Clay!

Art 1 students are halfway through the clay unit. They are finishing sgraffito story bowls and preparing clay for slab boxes with lids. Students learned the technique of sgraffito - scratching away the top layer to reveal a contrasting layer - and are using it illustrate a story from their lives on a slab bowl. I will post pictures of the finished bowls when they come out of the kiln!

11/12/14 - Here is a picture of some completed sgraffito bowls!