Friday, March 20, 2015

Arts Night 2015

Last night was our 9th annual Arts Night at North! What a great night! Thanks to everyone who came out to support our talented students - over 1,000 people attended! The band, choir, and orchestra performed. The Fine Arts Magnet performed a portion of their movie. The All About Foods class had a cupcake war, and the Life Skills classes served cookies, punch, and coffee. There were displays by the Sewing classes, Tech classes, Wood Shop classes, Digital Communications classes, and, of course, the Art classes! Here are some pictures of the art displays.

Clay Food

The Art 2 students created watercolor paintings and clay sculptures of food. We displayed them together for Arts Night last night! They did a great job!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Art 2 Hands

The Art 2 students are working on cool layered hand drawings using vellum and different types of shading. They are coming along really well! Check them out!

Advanced Art Wearable Objects

The Advanced Art students were challenged to create something wearable out of something they would have thrown away. They had to wear them at school all day today! Here are some of the fun things they came up with!

Finished Art 1 still life collage

Here are some pictures of completed still life collages in Art 1! This was a new project this year, and the projects look great!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Art 1 Collage Still Life

Art 1 students are applying their knowledge of basic forms to everyday objects. They brought in objects from home and used them to create still lifes at their tables. They are completing their still lifes with cut paper, and they are looking great! Here are some in process pictures. I will add some pictures of completed projects soon.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Self Portrait Busts are getting ready for the kiln!

Check out the beautiful progress that the students have been making on their self portrait busts! I am so proud of them! We are thinking that we will display that at Arts Night (next week Thursday - 3/19) even though they won't be glazed yet. We are excited to show them off!